
Blog, Stories
August 08, 2019

Advice for Move-in Day

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North Park students all have different experiences while moving in. As part of North Park culture, all of your RAs and some other current students will be on the curb to greet you with sweaty t-shirts and smiling faces. They’re just as excited about moving in as you are, and they’ll help you get all of your things into your new room.

Here are some comments from people around campus who recall the first time they moved in and want to give you an advantage they didn’t have before moving in:

  • “Get a mini-fridge. It will keep your drinks cold and give you more versatile options for snacking.” – Male, Class of 2019
  • “Don’t over-pack; and be nice to your parents, they’re really trying to help.” – Female, Class of 2018
  • “Box fans, box fans, box fans.” – Male, Class of 2018
  • “Organize your belongings in boxes while moving out of your house, that way you know where everything is once you move in.” – Female, Class of 2018
  • “You don’t need everything you think you need.” – Male, Class of 2018
  • “Don’t be afraid to leave your door open to invite people in.” – Male, Class of 2019
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