REMS Student Grant for Majors and Minors

The REMS Student Grant will support all REMS students--both majors and minors--enrolled in faculty-supervised senior projects or independent research. These independent academic opportunities sometimes come with additional costs. REMS students may apply for REMS funds to cover academic expenses of up to $500.

The AAYLC Marchman Wynn Prize is supported by the generosity of African American Youth Leadership Conference, and will fund up to $2,000 in research associated expenses for REMS majors.

Costs eligible for REMS student grant include:

  • round-trip least-cost air travel for off-campus work
  • if driving a personal vehicle, the cost of gas will be reimbursed with receipts
  • ground transportation at the off-campus work location
  • reasonable and economical lodging
  • meals (up to $25 per day while off campus)
  • modest payment to human participants or interviewees in research
  • expenses for remote access archival research (e.g., access and copies)
  • attendance at academic workshops and events central to a student's research project
  • cost for software not available from the college
  • cost of research services, such as transcription
  • equipment and hardware not available for borrowing from the college
  • modest expenses associated to conference or workshop attendance not to present research but to learn about important information for your research

Items not eligible for the student grant:

  • wages paid to oneself
  • housing and food while at CC
  • costs associated with conference presentation

DEADLINE: First Wednesday 11:59pm of each block. If your grant is approved, your funds will be available the first Friday of the following block.

To submit your grant proposal, you will need to have:

(1) all the components of the grant,

  • Title of project

  • Dates and timeline

  • Budget and justification of budget (see Summit for budget template)

  • Project Description (300-500 words)

    • Research and/or academic objectives: Clearly and concisely state the objective of the independent study/project. What is the scholarly problem, question, or idea? What is the significance of the project?

    • Background: Provide background theory, ideas, literature related to the problem.

    • Methodology or approach: Description of method/process and rationale.

    • Anticipated outcome(s): State the expected outcome(s). What contribution will be made to the applicant's educational goals? Will there be positive impact to the college learning community?

  • TIP: For best results, type your proposal in a word processing program and then copy/paste the text into the box below. Otherwise, you might lose your work in progress if your Summit session times out.

(2) confirmation from your faculty supervisor/mentor that they can write you a statement of support,

(3) a printout (jpg/pdf) from the Student Accounts Office (Spencer Rm 116, (719) 389-6698, that your account is in good standing. This ensures that the grant that REMS issues you will not by mistake be credited against any payment that is due in your student account. If you have completed all necessary requirements for financial aid to cover your current balance - speak with the student accounts staff and they will be able to notate on your printout that your account is in good standing even if there is a balance due.

(4) any additional review forms submitted (e.g., IRB - submit to IRB, IACUC- submit to IACUC, Travel Review- submit via this Summit application).

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